Perfection Clinic Logo.jpg

Perfection Clinic, 2019

My thesis project ‘Perfection Clinic‘ was designed to show a dystopian future, in which all the human beings should be perfect and the same. I generated a whole ‘Treatment Process’ for my audience:

  1. Watch the video.

  2. Read the catalog.

  3. Gran an Envelope.

  4. Grab the materials.

  5. Generate own content as the implement material for the catalog.

And I wish that through this project, my audience could gain some distinctive experience or notice something they don’t actually know before.

Perfection Clinic 01
Perfection Clinic 02

Project Description

I’m a rebellious one for such a long time, I did not follow the road excepted of me, and I don’t want to be determined by the things which I’m not inclined to do in the future.

I completed a project in the 3rd semester of my master program, which focused on presenting the relationship between lots of Chinese parents and their kids. In this project I interpreted the subjective purpose of Chinese parents as control; they want their kids to follow the path they’ve decided for them, and get full control of their kids’ lives as they always believe that their plans for their kids are the most PERFECT.

After that, I wanted to go further and wider, I found out that the deeper reason for those parents’ behaviors was actually afraid of BEING DIFFERENT. They believe that a human being must obtain something or become someone at a certain point. For instance, one should get a job which is stable, no matter if one likes it or not, and one should get married before 25, one should have a baby before 30, also one shouldn’t ever be a person with a different sexual orientation or religious belief.

This solid inner belief came from some kind of ‘Tradition’ and is certainly restricting the life space of the young generation. One might follow the path that he or she should follow, and might spend his or her whole life blindly without knowing what he or she really likes and truly wants. This problem is actually not only happening in China but also worldwide. It sounds like an inter-generation conflict but it doesn’t fully concentrate on that. The topic of my thesis comes from parents’ unreasonable control of their kids to the tolerance of differences eventually.

There is still a large number of people who are afraid of different things and being different. Some of them believe that to follow the same roads will be easier, some believe that different things or persons are always unstable, some believe that ‘Being the same’ is the safest method for living. However, just imagine that things around the world truly become all the same and remain ‘Perfect’, imagine all the divergences and differences are eliminated, imagine our lives turn into a relentless repetition. It must be a creepy and ironic scene.

And what I want to convey through my thesis project is that forcing everything and everyone to be the same, or in other words, be perfect, might be worse and horrible than one could imagine. The world will be more organic and beautiful if we could learn to live with different things and people.